Dear Editor,
Every woman they say has a breaking
point….for me, I wonder if there was. I could take anything…It was indeed a
story never to forget…
It began last year when I met
Bolaji at a bus-stop. We exchange number and gradually became close and more flirtatious.
We used to talk every evening online for hours, text each other constantly and
exchange pictures. I had never felt such a connection to someone. We never ran
out of things to talk about and I quickly became attached to him. Month later,
without explanation he became cold. I confronted him but he has no reason for
his action.
Few weeks later we rebounded and
became flirtatious again, but he said that he didn’t want to be anything but
friends. I felt I was treated like a toy, picking me up and putting me down
whenever he feels like. I was so desperate for things to work out. It became a
true emotional roller-coaster. We agreed to be friends but I cried for the
duration of this. I wanted more….
Why in goodness name have I
allowed myself to suffer through all his forms of abuse? This would be a
question I will forever ask myself. For now it is a pass…I used to love him. My
love eventually stop during the last episode..when exactly? I don’t know...I
guess gradually. However the good news is my love is gone…the bad news is that
he left me with a damaged self esteem
At the end, I knew it was time to
let go, whether I want to or not. Choosing to let him go was the hardest
decision I have ever had to make, but this made me a stronger person. If I am
honest, I don’t know if I will ever forget him but truly I believe he was a
fool for letting me go. I ended up accepting the rejection as nature ways of
weeding out the misfits for me.
Truth be told...if I were to walk
in on him today and find he has a new lady, I would not experience grief rather
would pity the lady for occupying the same hurtful position I was in. I would
feel so sorry and cry for her because she is about to be involved with a silent
killer. This experience has spares me from wasting my time with someone who is
all wrong for me and who would not appreciate me. It leaves me one person
closer to finding my dream mate.